Fargesia scabrida
Fargesia scabrida is an exceptional choice for a tall, upright clumping bamboo that provides both unique colors and dense privacy. New canes blush tones of dark purple/red and are adorned with orange hued branch sheathes. A rigorous grower in all sun conditions that can be planted to create a perimeter hedge, or stand alone as a feature plant.
10-12’ in most landscape scenarios, but can get taller if given enough space.
Light requirements:
Thrives in full Puget area sun, but prefers to have partial shade or dappled light.
Growth Habit:
New shoots appear in early spring and late summer.
A pot of scabrida planted in the ground can expand a foot or so in annual circumference. 6 feet of diameter is a recommended minimum for uncrowded, healthy growth.
Mowing and/or line trimming is an effective means to curtail spread. Planting in a one foot mound of soil can further help maintain the shape of the grove. Root barrier is still a strong consideration for protecting property lines.
Characteristic highlight: new canes emerge in striking hues of reddish-purple, transitioning to olive-green as they mature, and exhibit a papery sheath that protects the forming branches that blush orange in sunlight. Slender, dark green leaves give scabrida an airy, graceful appearance.
Spacing and planting considerations:
A single pot of scabrida can eventually provide 6’+ of lateral privacy at the base. Canes have an outward arch providing additional canopy span.
To create a continuous hedge, space new plantings 3’ - 5’.
Can be shaped and hedged with a conventional hedge trimmer.