Fargesia robusta

Fargesia robusta is a stunning clumping bamboo known for its upright growth and lush green foliage. This non-invasive variety thrives in a range of conditions, making it a perfect choice for both residential and commercial landscapes. With a mature height of upwards 15 feet, Fargesia robusta creates an elegant perimeter privacy screen or a beautiful focal point in gardens.


  • Upwards to 16’ if given proper dimensions to expand into. The top 2-3’ of the canes taper and eventually arch under the weight of leaves.

Light and water requirements:

  • Prefers dappled mid-day summer shade, but can tolerate full Western Washington sun and heat as well as shaded locations.

Growth Habit:

  • New shoots appear in early spring and again in late summer.

  • A pot of robusta planted in the ground can expand a foot or so in annual circumference. A 6 foot plot is a recommended minimum for uncrowded, healthy growth.

  • Mowing and/or line trimming is an effective means to curtail spread. Planting in a one foot mound of soil can further help maintain the shape of the grove. Root barrier is still a strong consideration for protecting property lines.

  • Characteristic highlight: new canes exhibit a creamy white, papery sheath that protects the forming branches, creating a unique green and white checkerboard effect on young culms. Robusta is one of the most upright clumping bamboos, with tight, columnar growth that makes it perfect for narrow spaces, privacy screens, or as an architectural focal point. While non-invasive, it's a fast grower and fills out beautifully, creating a dense, lush screen in just a few seasons.

Potted Fargesia robusta in sunlight

Grove of Fargesia robusta, 3-4 years of growth

Spacing and planting considerations:

  • A single pot of robusta can eventually provide 6’+ of lateral privacy at the base. Canes have an outward arch providing additional canopy span.

  • To create a continuous hedge, space new plantings 3’ - 5’ apart.

  • Robusta can be shaped and hedged with a conventional hedge trimmer.